At Scopione, we understand that shipping plays a crucial role in the online shopping process, and we want to ensure that you feel confident when buying from us. Our main priority is to fulfill every order as quickly and affordably as possible while making sure that your parts arrive safely.

If an item is in stock, it will be shipped out within five business days of your order. However, back-ordered items may take approximately three to five weeks to be made and delivered. If your order contains both in-stock and back-ordered items, we will ship the in-stock items immediately and notify you via email about the delay with the back-ordered items. Once the back-ordered items are back in stock, we will promptly ship them to you and send you another email with the shipping details. We are always happy to provide you with updates on the status of your order to ensure that you are completely satisfied.
For international orders, we have a team of experts who handle international documentation and carriers to ensure that your items arrive in a timely and perfect condition. We carefully analyze each customer’s unique needs and destination country to provide you with the best possible shipping service.
Please note that international shipments must clear customs, and all associated fees, including import customs clearance, duties, taxes, and brokerage services, are your responsibility as the buyer. We take pride in providing excellent customer service to all our international buyers and their shipping needs.
To learn more about our shipping and returns policy, please visit our Shipping and Returns page or feel free to Contact Us anytime.